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The American Made Table Company was founded in 2013 in Tyler, Texas.

We are a small company of quality human beings who are deeply committed to creating superior products that deliver lasting value. In other words, we do right by our customers.

As such, we welcome your comments, questions and criticisms (though we work darned hard to make sure you’ll never have any).


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Keeping it all inline.

Carol Burke


A great way to get a straight edge on one of the wood top tables is to use some steel angle or some steel angle that has perforated holes like the Unistrut you see as the vertical post on a stop sign.

You can permanently attach with screws or clamp for temp uses.

Four foot lengths are common at big box stores. Makes it look like you know what you’re doing. Also very helpful in setting up any kind of jig used to make consistent placement of parts and pieces.

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